Copywriting: the key to the success of email marketing 

Copywriting for email marketing

Copywriting plays a key role in the success of email marketing. In a digital world saturated with information, attracting the attention of the recipients and be able to make them open, read and act in response to an email has become a challenge. This is where the persuasive power of copywriting comes into play. By using strategic words, a suitable tone and a compelling structure, copywriting has the ability to create impacting and effective messages that generate tangible results. In this article, we will explore how copywriting becomes the key to unlocking the potential of email marketing and achieving a lasting connection with your target audience. 

What is email marketing? 

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy based on sending emails to a list of subscribers with the aim of establishing direct and effective communication. Through this tactic, companies can reach their audience in a personalised way, providing relevant information, promotions, updates and any other content of interest. This form of marketing allows us to build and maintain solid relationships with customers, and generate trust and loyalty towards the brand. In addition, email marketing offers the opportunity to segment the list of subscribers based on demographic characteristics, purchasing behaviour or other criteria, which allows greater customisation and better response by recipients. In short, email marketing is a versatile and effective strategy that harnesses the power of your email to reach the right audience at the right time and achieve positive results in terms of sales, engagement and business growth. 

What is copywriting? 

Copywriting is a strategic approach that consists of writing persuasive texts with the aim of influencing the readers' emotions and actionss. In a business context, copywriting is used to create compelling content that motivates potential customers to take a desired action, such as buying a product, subscribing to a service or interacting with a brand. The benefits of copywriting are numerous and significant for companies. Firstly, good copywriting can generate greater engagement, attracting the audience's attention and keeping it interested in the message. In addition, effective copywriting can establish an emotional connection with customers, which contributes to trust and loyalty towards the brand. Copywriting can also differentiate a company from the competition, conveying its value proposition in a convincing way. Finally, well-executed copywriting for websites has the potential to boost sales and business growth by persuading customers to buy. In short, copywriting is a powerful tool to effectively communicate a company's message, establish emotional connections and achieve the desired commercial results. 

Why is it important to apply copywriting techniques for email marketing? 

Applying copywriting techniques for email marketing is of prime importance for several reasons. Firstly, email marketing is a strategy that competes for the recipient's attention in a crowded email inbox. Effective copywriting let's you stand out from the crowd and attract the reader's attention from the outset using attractive and persuasive case formats that encourage them to open the email. In addition, well thought out copywriting is able to maintain the reader's interest throughout the content, using persuasive and convincing language to convey the message clearly and effectively. 

Another reason is that customised copywriting can create an emotional connection with the recipients. By using a suitable tone and style of writing, copywriting can make recipients feel identified and valued, which strengthens the brand's relationship and increases the possibility of the desired action. 

In addition, optimised copywriting can substantially improve conversion rates. By using persuasive techniques, such as the use of clear and convincing calls to action, copywriting can motivate subscribers to make a purchase, register for an event, download a resource or other relevant action for the campaign's goals. 

In short, applying copywriting techniques to email marketing is essential to stand out in the inbox, generating an emotional connection with subscribers and improving conversion rates. It is a powerful tool that helps to make the most of the potential of this marketing strategy and obtain successful results. 

Benefits of copywriting in email marketing

Copywriting email marketing offers many benefits that can help boost success in your marketing campaigns. Let's take a look at some of them: 

  • Increase email newsletter open rates: good copywriting can create attractive and persuasive texts in the subject line, which arouse curiosity and motivate recipients to open the email. This is essential, since if emails are not opened, the rest of the content will not have any impact. 
  • Improve the number of clicks: copywriting can persuade recipients to click on the links included in the email. By using a persuasive language and clear calls to action, you can encourage recipients to visit the company's website, explore products or services and participate in promotions or events. 
  • Engagement: well-written copywriting can generate interest and attract the attention of subscribers. By adding valuable and personalised content, copywriting can encourage interaction with the brand, such as responding to surveys, participating in contests and downloading exclusive content. This helps strengthen the relationship with subscribers and build a committed community. 
  • Increase your conversion rates: copywriting can influence the purchasing decisions of your target audience. By using compelling language, highlighting the benefits of products or services and providing positive testimonials or reviews, copywriting can generate trust and motivate subscribers to make a purchase. 
  • Customisation and segmentation: copywriting allows email content to be adapted according to the preferences and characteristics of subscribers. By using copywriting techniques, you can create customised messages for each segment of the audience, which increases the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns. 

In short, copywriting in email marketing has the potential to increase the opening of emails, improve the click-through rate, generate engagement, promote conversions and allow content customisation. It is an essential tool to achieve success in email marketing campaigns and achieve effective results in terms of participation, sales and business growth. 

How to use copywriting in your email marketing campaigns 

Here are some of the tips we believe can help you with the copywriting for your email marketing campaigns: 

  • Know your audience: before you start to write, understand who you are targetting. Research your target audience and discover their wishes, needs and pain points. This will help you customise your messages and create a deeper connection. 
  • Create irresistible email subjects: without a doubt, the subject line is the hook that will capture the attention of your target audience. Use words with a hook, create intrigue or ask a question that generates curiosity. Be clear, concise and direct to arouse interest immediately. 
  • Write with authenticity: emails must sound authentic and genuine. Avoid using a tone that is too commercial or aggressive. Instead, use natural language to make your readers feel that they are having a personal conversation with you. 
  • Highlight the benefits: instead of focusing on the characteristics of your product or service, highlight the benefits it offers to your potential customers. How will they help them, solve their problems or improve their lives? Make them feel emotionally involved and eager to have what you are offering. 
  • Use clear calls to action: include persuasive and easy-to-understand calls to action (CTA) in your emails. Use action verbs and create a sense of urgency so that your subscribers feel motivated to take immediate action. 
  • Customise your messages: Use the information you have about your subscribers to customise your emails. Include their names in the greeting and consider sending content based on their interests or behaviour. 
  • Take care of the structure and legibility: Organise your emails into short sections or paragraphs and use bullet points to highlight important information. Use clear language and avoid the use of slang or jargon that may confuse your readers. 
  • Test and optimise: don't be left stagnant with a single version of your copy. Perform A/B testing to test different approaches and determine which messages generate the best results. Analyse the data and optimise your emails based on the results obtained. 

Geolocation in email marketing campaign content with copywriting  

As you live in an increasingly global world, the scope of your email marketing campaigns can be further expanded if you harness the potential of multilingual copywriting and geolocation. Let's see how you can implement these strategies in your campaigns: 

  • Accurate customisation: when using geolocation, you can adapt your messages and offers according to the geographical location of your target audience. This allows you to create very personalised content, which will increase your emotional connection and the likelihood of conversion. 
  • Local relevance: by knowing the location of your subscribers, you can provide specific information and promotions from your local area. This creates a sense of closeness and familiarity, which can increase confidence and interest in your products or services. 
  • Effective segmentation: geolocation allows you to segment your list of subscribers according to their geographical location. This gives you the opportunity to send specific messages to segmented audiences, which improves the accuracy and effectiveness of your campaigns. 
  • Cultural adaptation: each region or country has its own culture, language and customs. When geolocating your campaigns, you can adapt your copywriting to reflect local culture properly. This helps to avoid cultural misunderstandings and shows greater respect for your audience. 
  • Local events and promotions: if you have special events or promotions in a specific location, geolocation allows you to communicate directly with your audience in that area and offer you information of interest. This helps to promote local commitment. 
  • Better user experience: by providing relevant content and adapted to the local area, you are substantially improving your subscribers' user experience. This creates a sense of personalisation and care, which will strengthen loyalty towards your brand. 
  • Performance optimisation: when geolocating your campaigns, you can track and analyse the performance of your emails in different geographical regions. This gives you valuable data on understanding how your messages and offers resound in different markets, and allows you to adjust your strategy accordingly.

Create irresistible emails with email copywriting: we will take you through it, step by step  

Below, we will explain how you can write emails that do not go directly to the trash can, but impact your audience. Take note, because this is of interest to you!  

1. Copywriting persuasion techniques for email marketing 

Below, we present some very useful persuasion techniques that you can apply to your email marketing campaigns: 

  • Use punchy words: such as "exclusive", "limited", "irresistible", "unique opportunity". With these words, you will arouse the interest of people receiving the email, encouraging them to open and read your email out of curiosity.  
  • Give the message a sense of urgency: make the customer feel that, if they do not carry out a specific action, the offer or promotion will be lost. Use phrases such as "for a limited time only","last available units" or "offer valid today only". This copywriting technique encourages readers to carry out immediate action to avoid losing the opportunity.  
  • Use testimonials: success stories and reviews help to generate trust and credibility about your messages. Showing your subscribers that other people have had positive experiences with your products or services gives them security and encourages them to make a specific purchase or take an action.  
  • Connect to feelings: emotional copywriting is the one that most reaches people and has a profound impact on decision-making. Emphasise how your solutions can solve their problems, meet their needs or improve their life. Thanks to copywriting, you can convey this value naturally.  
  • Use calls to action (CTA): this gives the final boost for your target audience to carry out the action you want. Use verbs like "buy now" "download free" or "subscribe". These calls to action should be visible and highlighted. 
  • Customise the messages: taking into account all the information you have about a user when their sign up for your email campaigns, makes the messages more personal. Address them by name and adapt the content according to their preferences and previous behaviour on your online store, for example. This shows that you know your audience, which will increase the effectiveness of copywriting. 

2. Choose the right vocabulary for your emails  

Choosing the vocabulary carefully for email marketing campaigns is crucial to achieving effective communication with recipients. Here are some tips on how to select the most suitable vocabulary: 

  • Know your audience: we have repeated this several times in article (we hope you don't mind), but it is essential to understand who you are addressing. Research and analyse your target audience to identify their interests, educational level and preferred tone of communication. Use relevant and familiar language for them. 
  • Be clear and concise: choose words and phrases that are direct and easy to understand. Avoid using complicated terms or technical jargon that could confuse recipients. Keep your messages simple and focused on the benefits for the reader. 
  • Use an appropriate tone: consider the tone of voice you want to convey in your email marketing campaigns. It may vary depending on your brand and the type of relationship you wish to establish with the recipients. You can opt for a friendly, professional or persuasive tone, depending on your company's goals and style. 
  • Use persuasive language: use words and phrases that generate interest, excitement and action for your readers. Include positive terms and ones that highlight the benefits offered by your products or services. You can also use words that awaken desire and urgency among your recipients. 
  • Avoid excessive promotion: even though the aim of email marketing is to promote your products or services, avoid the excessive use of promotional or sales terms. Instead, focus on providing valuable information and solving the problems or needs of your recipients. 
  • Customise whenever possible: use the recipient's name in the greeting or at some key points in the email. This creates a sense of personalisation and proximity, which can increase the effectiveness of your message. 

3. Organise your email content effectively

Organising content effectively in a marketing email is key to attracting and maintaining the reader's attention and achieving a positive impact. Here are some strategies for effectively organising your content: 

  • "Sexy" subject: we have already seen it on different occasions throughout this article, the email subject line is your first opportunity to capture the reader's attention. Use a clear, concise and relevant subject line that generates curiosity, arouses interest or shows a clear benefit. Avoid long or confusing subjects that may lead to the email being ignored or ending up in the dreaded trash can.  
  • Striking introduction: the first part of the email must be attractive and persuasive. Start with a phrase or paragraph that captures the reader's attention and motivates them to carry on reading. You can use a question, an impactful statistic or an intriguing statement to generate interest from the outset. 
  • Clear structure: organise the content of the email in clearly defined sections or paragraphs. Use subtitles and short paragraphs to facilitate reading and understanding.  
  • Highlight the benefits: focus on the benefits that your products or services offer to the reader. Highlight how your offer can solve a problem or satisfy a specific need.  
  • Use of images and visual elements: images can be very effective for capturing attention and coveying your message visually. Use good quality images to support your content. Also, make sure you optimise the images so they can load quickly and do not slow down opening the email. 

4. Increase clicks with copywriting for email marketing  

You'll be asking yourself: Is copywriting really as magical as it seems? Yes, it is. The difference between using it or not is notable. 

The key to increasing clicks on your email marketing campaigns lies in the ability to capture and keep the reader's attention throughout the email. To achieve this, it is important to focus on personalisation, relevance and persuasion. Use compelling and attractive language to highlight the specific benefits your offer provides. Create a sense of urgency by communicating offers that last for a limited time only. Also, include testimonials that support the quality and effectiveness of your product or service. Experiment with different approaches, perform A/B testing and analyse the results to optimise your copywriting strategies and achieve a greater impact on recipients, thus generating an increase in clicks and participation with your emails. Remember that the variety in the content and implementation of specific techniques will help avoid repetition and maintain the reader's interest throughout the email.

5. Storytelling in email marketing: tell interesting stories to connect and engage with your audience  

Storytelling in email marketing is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience. By telling interesting stories, you can captivate and thrill your recipients, generating greater commitment and loyalty towards your brand. Make the most of the power of storytelling to convey authentic experiences, highlight your company's values and create an emotional connection with your subscribers. Through characters, situations and challenges, you can engage your target audience, awaken their curiosity and keep their attention on the email. Storytelling allows you not only to communicate information, but also to share positive associations with your brand.  

6. Optimisation of your email marketing copy: How to write emails that promote sales  

Optimising copy in your email marketing strategy is key to boosting sales and achieving outstanding results.. Writing effective emails requires specific techniques that attract the attention of your recipients and motivate them to carry out an action. With an optimised copy strategy, you can write persuasive emails that promote sales and generate a significant impact on your results. Don't hesitate in implementing these techniques and you'll see how your emails become a powerful tool to increase your sales! 

7. Metrics and analytics: how to measure the success of your email marketing campaigns with copywriting 

Measuring the success of your email marketing campaigns with copywriting is essential to assessing your performance and making continuous improvements. Here are some key metrics you can use: 

Open rate
This metric indicates the percentage of recipients that open your email. A high open rate shows that the subject and the preview text were effective in attracting the attention of the recipients. 

Click-through rate
Shows the percentage of recipients who clicked on the links in your email. A high click-through rate indicates that your content and the CTA were persuasive and generated interest. 

Conversion rate
Measures the percentage of recipients who took the desired action, such as making a purchase or completing a form. This is a measure that can be directly attributed to copywriting!  

Bounce rate Shows the percentage of emails that were not delivered to the recipients. Bounces can be "soft" (temporary) or "hard" (permanent). A high percentage of bounces can indicate problems with the quality of your mailing list. 

Subscription cancellations
This metric gives us the number of recipients who chose to cancel their subscription after receiving your email. If you notice a significant increase in cancellations, it may be an indication that your content is not relevant or does not meet your subscribers' expectations. 

In addition to these KPIs, it is important to analyse the demographic and behavioural data of your recipients, such as the geographical location, the activity on the website and the interaction on social networks. These data will help you to better understand your audience and adjust your copywriting strategy accordingly. 

Tools and resources for email marketing 

An email marketing platform is a software hat allows you to create and manage campaigns. These tools are usually cloud-based SaaS. A good platform will make it easier for you to send any information by email, from newsletters to promotional content or for recovery of abandoned carts. 

Below, we will tell you about the platforms that, in our opinion, are the best email marketing tools:    

  • MailChimp: it is a well-known platform that offers a wide range of pre-designed templates for creating effective emails. It also has automation and audience segmentation functions.  
  • Sendinblue: this tool provides customisable and easy-to-use templates for creating email marketing campaigns. It also offers features such as email automation and A/B testing. It also offers SMS marketing functions, which allows you to expand the scope beyond email marketing. 
  • GetResponse: offers a library of professional templates to design attractive and optimised emails for mobile phones. It also includes features such as automation and segmentation of mailing lists. 
  • ActiveCampaign: provides customisable and optimised email templates for conversions. It also has adavnced automation and audience segmentation functions.  
  • Constant Contact: it offers a wide selection of email marketing templates that can be easily customised. It also includes features such as automation and results monitoring.  

Automation tools for email marketing 

In addition to the platforms we have seen in the previous point, there are various automation tools for email marketing that will help you optimise your campaigns and save time on repetitive tasks. Here are some that we like the best: 

HubSpot: allows you to create custom emails, segment audiences and track interactions in detail. 

ConvertKit: Very popular tool for content creators and bloggers. enables subscriber segmentation, automation of email sequences and generation of registration forms. 

Drip: focused on e-commerce. allows you to create email sequences based on customer behaviour, send custom emails and track conversions in detail. 

Resources to improve your copywriting skills  

Improving your copywriting skills is a challenge that you should consider if you want to write your own copy. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of resources that can help you to perfect the art of persuasive writing. Here are some that you should explore: 

Copywriting books There are several popular books that offer practical tips and effective strategies to improve your copywriting skills.
Some recommended titles are The Copywriter's Handbook by Robert Bly, Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This by Luke Sullivan and Copywriting: el arte de escribir para persuadir (the art of persuasive writing) by Joaquín Mouriz.  

Online courses
There are many courses that can teach you how to start or improve the copywriting technique. Platforms such as Udemy, Coursera and LinkedIn Learning offer a wide range of courses taught by professional copywriters. 

Blogs and websites
There are numerous blogs and websites specialising in copywriting that offer informative content and practical tips to improve your skills. For example: Copyblogger, Neil Patel, Kopywriting Kourse and Quick Sprout. 

Participating in webinars and online seminars given by copywriting experts offers you the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals. These events usually offer practical tips, real examples and opportunities for interaction. 

Test, error, test, error
Constant practice is the best of learning to improve your skills as a copywriter. Write regularly and look for opportunities to receive feedback from professionals or reputable people.  

Remember that copywriting is constantly evolving, there is always something new to learn and discover.  

Good examples of copywriting in email marketing  

Here are some successful examples of email marketing campaigns with copywriting.


This hosting platform has created a name in the world of tourism, a sector that is very exploited, but as a result of email marketing with copywriting, it has managed to make its way. Its strategy is based on the experience of its users, as they have done a very thorough task of researching to customise their emails. The messages in their emails are clear and direct. They generate expectations and awaken the interest of subscribers. They use attractive and persuasive language to promote destinations and properties. When you stay with them, they send you an email requesting your opinion. 

The example we show you is a campaign where they show you the houses you can take your art to. If you like to play the piano, you will find houses with a piano available; If painting is your thing, accommodation where you have everything you need to paint a work of art. This campaign has been sent to people who like art with an CTA to make a reservation according to their artistic interests.   

Airbnb email marketing


Spotify seeks to generate intrigue and emotional connection with users through music. The platform uses copywriting strategies in its email marketing campaigns to communicate with its customers in a personalised way. 

In one of its campaigns, Spotify allowed users to add music that they were listening to at that time to a special playlist. The special feature of this campaign is that this playlist would only be available to listen to one year later. This strategy creates a sense of intrigue and belonging, as users feel part of something unique and exclusive by being able to access that playlist in the future. 

Spotify email marketing

Build loyalty among your customers thanks to copywriting 

Copywriting allows your business to stand out from the crowd, establish an emotional connection with your customers and persuade them to take a specific action. To achieve this, it is essential to have professional copywriting services. Our copywriting team has extensive experience in creating irresistible emails that connect with your audience and generate the results you expect. From the writing of persuasive texts to the creation of convincing calls to action, we ensure that each email marketing campaign you send is an opportunity to boost your business.  

Don't wait any longer! Contact us now and find out how copywriting can transform your emails into powerful sales tools. Success is just one click away. 

Do you need help with the copywriting for your email marketing campaigns? Don't hesitate to contact us to help you increase the ROI of your email marketing campaigns.

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Written by ATLS

Translation and digital marketing agency
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