The advantages of cloud-based translation software


Increasing numbers of companies need a translation solution they can access from anywhere, not just from their own businesses. For this reason, many companies in the sector deliver SaaS (software as a service) translation solutions.

Services distributed through SaaS or incloud consist of a type of distribution of a service that permits users to access it through the cloud, without having to carry out any in-house development or installation.

SaaS translation solutions

Within our sector, this type of translation service distribution is a breakthrough both for translation companies and for consumers. This is because translation in the cloud permits access via internet and from any computer to the translation solution in order to translate or manage translations, depending on the type of service purchased.

The main difference between an in-house translation service and intranslation in the cloud is that in the case of in-house translation, the translation software is installed locally so that the company can have access to the translation service inside its offices. On the other hand, a cloud translation service gives the business more flexibility, as they can access the translation service from anywhere. In addition, the latter option saves on development costs and storage space, as all the data is held on external servers.

A good example of a translation service distributed in SaaS is the website translation service of the AT Website Translator application. From this application, we offer both options to access the translation platform, incloud and in-house.

The truth is that the incloud solution is faster, given that the in-house translation solution involves internal development of an in-house infrastructure and the need for maintenance to check the correct operation of the solution. However, with cloud-based translation, the information on the platform is installed in our servers and our clients can access it from anywhere in order to make fast and dynamic website translations. Just log into the application using your username and password.

The main advantages of our website translation service incloud are:

  • Accessibility to the translation platform from any computer. You just need an Internet connection.
  • High level of security of our servers.
  • Scalable servers according to the amount of information and depending on the type of company that purchases the translation service.
  • Without needing to develop an internal infrastructure.
  • With no additional maintenance costs for the solution.
  • Does not require many resources, either human or economic, in the website translation process.
  • Saving in time dedicated to the implementation of the website translation service.

Forget about development and translate your company website into several languages with a comprehensive website translation solution incloud. Translate your website with AT Website Translator.

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Written by ATLS

Translation and digital marketing agency
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