Translate WordPress with WPML and ATLS

WordPress translation with WPML

In a globalised market where e-commerce is growing at an unrelenting pace, online stores are sending more and more products to consumers in other countries who speak other languages. That's why it's becoming more and more important to have a multilingual website. In this article we'll show you how to translate your WordPress or WooCommerce site effectively with the WPML plugin and ATLS.

Translating your WordPress with WPML and ATLS will make your life easy

According to the Spanish online magazine Marketing4eCommerce, 30% of all websites in the world are made with WordPress, making it the most-used content management system worldwide. And if we take into account only websites using a CMS (many don't), that percentage soars to 60% market penetration.

Thanks to the collaboration between ATLS and the WPML plugin, you can make your website multilingual quickly and simply... without leaving the WordPress platform! And what's more, our team of professional translators can revise your translations and adapt them to the market you're aiming for.

Why you should trust ATLS and WPML

  • It is a solution which has been optimised and developed with WordPress
  • It's the leading plugin for generating multilingual websites
  • It's an automated process meaning you don't need to extract text to modify it later
  • You can make any requests to us easily
  • We have more than 20 years' experience in the translation and website translation sector
  • Our professional translators are native speakers
  • Our ISO 17100:2015 certification guarantees our translation processes are in line with international quality standards

How to install the ATLS-WPML plugin

  1. Register on our platform and select the languages you want to translate on your website
  2. Download and install the WPML plugin
  3. Translate your website with our translation services via the plugin

We are one of the main providers of translation services for WordPress, and we can offer you even more if your company takes the plunge and decides to conquer other markets and attract overseas consumers. Why not have a look at our website to find out more about our services?

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Written by ATLS

Translation and digital marketing agency
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