Why should you translate your blog?


Many companies with a website continuously update their blog. But, do all companies with an international marketing strategy decide to translate their blog?

What are the main benefits of translating a blog?

Translating your website into other languages is essential, but what about the blog? Translating your blog is recommended and here are some good reasons why:

  1. Your website traffic will increase and so will your clients: by translating your blog, you will attract the attention of internet audiences and retain visitors to your website, because you will be speaking to them in their own language.
  2. You will get a higher ranking in Google: don't worry! Google does not count translation as duplicate content, and you will also improve your search engine ranking if you adapt the content.
  3. You will improve your brand image : by translating content, users will receive a positive impression of your product, which will improve your brand value.

Of course, translating content also makes your website more friendly, as internet audiences prefer to browse in their own language. Translating your website can increase your website traffic by up to 150%.

When undertaking a translation, various factors should be taken into account, such as the budget and the target languages. It is always advisable to translate the whole website into one target language, rather than translate parts of it into various languages. Another point to take into account is that the original content may not be of interest or valid in other markets. SEO needs to be thoroughly researched, in order to know which keywords work in each country.If you want to know how to do in-depth keyword research we recommend this post, where we will show you the best tools to help you search for keywords.

What else should you know?

  • Post titles: translators must know how to adapt post titles to the target language, as expressions that work in one country may be quite meaningless in another.
  • Calls to action (CTA): translating CTA will help increase the number of clicks and leads.
  • Links to the post: revise all the links in your entries. The language of the post must be the same as the language of the pages to which your post redirects.
  • Images: images in blog entries are not usually a problem for translation if they don't contain text. What should be taken into account, however, are “alt” and “title” attributes, as this is relevant information that will increase your SEO ranking.
  • Tags: if tags are inserted in your original version, they must also be translated to give users a better browsing experience in the blog. If users don't understand the meaning of tags, we are missing the opportunity for them to continue browsing other articles in the blog.

Should you translate your blog using a plugin or a translation solution?

As we discussed in a previous post, there are many options available for translating a website and the same applies to blogs. We can translate it using plugins according to our CMS, for example, WPML for WordPress or WooCommerce.

Another way to translate your blog more professionally, automatically and without installing a plugin, is via a translation platform such as AT Website Translator. Just enter your website name and configure the type of translation required, and the translated version will be delivered immediately. Furthermore, this type of platform offers other functionalities that translation plugins do not have, such as an invitation to well-known translators to translate the blog or the management of translation memories to save costs.

And what about you? What translation solution do you choose? If you have a blog and you want to translate it, why not contact our team at ATLS? We will be happy to help you find the best possible solution to your needs.

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Written by ATLS

Translation and digital marketing agency
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