Translation for the hotel sector

hotel sector translation

The tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Spain, and the hotel sector is an important part of it. Thus, the connection between the hotel sector and translation is vital in order to offer quality service to tourists.

It is highly recommended that companies hire the services of a professional translation company in order to guarantee that all their internal and external communications conform to the cultural requirements, linguistic expressions and communication resources of all the languages they work with. Which formats do hotels use in their internal and external communications?

Internal communication

For internal communications, hotels typically request formats designed for communications with employees and suppliers. What type of documents are these?

  • Communications with employees: This includes offline training manuals and emails or newsletters sent internally to employees.

External communications

Regarding external communications, there are several types of format that require translation:

  • Communication with the end customer: This includes any type of format with information on products and services offered by the hotel, such as menus, advertising for events or congresses, tourist promotions and recommendations (catalogues on excursions, museums, etc.). This type of communications would also include all digital communication provided by the hotel on its website, on social networks, information sent via newsletters, etc.

With this type of translation, i.e., transcreation, due to its highly creative content, a hotel's brand image can be enhanced, as these formats are the visiting card for hotel clients, and the quality of the information provided can be improved.

  • Communications with suppliers: Any type of format, either digital, such as emails or offline support, such as accounting documents (invoices, letters, etc).
  • Communications with investors: This type of communication may be required various times a year for a company.  The aim of a translation is to convey convincing messages to investors in their own language.

This type of translation typically involves large documents with technical content, requiring a specialised translation in order to guarantee a rigorous translation process. What type of documents are we referring to? corporate presentations, annual accounts, economic or financial strategies and handbooks on hotel operations and procedures.

Given the large volume of text in this type of communications, it is important to take into account that style and register must be consistent throughout the document.

Gallery Hotels and transcreation

One of our success stories concerns our translation service for the Gallery Hotels group.

The client requested the translation of a set of cocktail menus. AT Language Solutions recreated the content using transcreation, as the terminology used in the menus required a marketing approach. This solution made sure that the message transmitted in the names of each cocktail in the source language was still appropriate in the target languages.

Thus, hiring a professional translation service removes the language barrier between hotels and their clients. Contact us. We'd like to help you! Do you need a translation?

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Written by ATLS

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