Globalise your business simply and economically with our AT Proxy

Translation proxy

Having an online presence gives you the international visibility your company needs to reach more people and get higher profits. Why? It's easy: the more people you reach, the more sales leads your business gets. As we all know, competition today is rife. To stand out, you need an attractive product that's different from the rest: but to get the attention of your international audience it's essential to have your website translated into several languages. A number of tools can help you globalise your business, but today we're going to look at one that gives you the potential to do it quickly and easily, without your company having to manage anything internally. Our AT Proxy solution makes it all possible!

What is AT Proxy?

A proxy is a server that acts as an intermediary between a device and the internet. Following this same procedure, AT Proxy acts as an intermediary between the user and our customer's web server (only when delivering multilingual content) to automate the workflow and give you results in the shortest possible time, providing a quality translation.

How does it work?

When a user requests a multi-language page on the website, AT Proxy detects it, extracts it, and sends it for translation and review by our specialist translators. Once the content is ready and translated, it's available to AT Proxy and will automatically appear in the language of the person browsing. It's fast, and easy - all our customers need to do is enter new content. Leave the rest to us!

Advantages of AT Proxy

AT Proxy's key advantage is its ability to distinguish between a website's translatable content and code. The tracker identifies translatable content in web languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, and XML, among others. It also detects content within elements that's related to SEO (such as meta tags, attribute tags, Itemprop, and other structured data).

AT Proxy can work with languages like JavaScript to identify and translate content generated instantly by product inventory or single-page apps.

Implementing the AT Proxy solution in your business offers more than process automation; it also offers these advantages:

  • SEO friendly: SEO is as important as your website itself: without a good SEO strategy, your website may well be translated into several languages, but you won't get any traffic. AT Proxy not only translates website content, it handles meta tags too, so your website will be optimised across all your languages.
  • Cost reduction: connecting AT Proxy with a customer's servers saves you even more, thanks to the automated management process and minimal level of manual intervention. It's a saving that goes way beyond any other translation procedure.
  • Efficiency and adaptability: you'll never have to worry about translation when you add new content to your main website. AT Proxy automatically detects any changes or added content, organising it ready for translation and storage in your translation memory.
  • Cloud or in-house installation: another advantage of AT Proxy is that it's fully customisable. We adapt our solution to your environment and take care of installation - whether in-house or on the cloud - always with our individual customer's needs taken into account.

Not all proxy translation solutions are created equal. The ATLS (formerly known as AT Language Solutions) proxy takes care of all the complexities involved in localising your website. We handle everything you'd expect from proxy translation: but with added power, speed, and more advanced technical solutions than anyone else, as all the technology we use is our own - developed in our ATLab.

Every business is different, with its own development and unique characteristics. If you'd like to receive further information, please fill in the AT Proxy form on our website. Our advisers will contact you and give you a better idea of how you can implement our solution in your business.

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Written by ATLS

Translation and digital marketing agency
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