Copywriting in the fashion industry

Copywriting in fashion

We have written various articles about copywriting and one thing is certain: it is here to stay. It has become an indispensable service for any company that wants to promote its products or services, particularly those online. In this post, we'll take a closer look at the practice of copywriting in the fashion industry, a sector that is ahead of the game when it comes to creating attractive and persuasive content.

Fashion copywriting, a profession on the rise

The fashion sector is at the forefront of online sales. Therefore, companies need a professional who can create value for a brand through the use of carefully curated text and understands how to get the most from this specialized work. A fashion copywriter knows how to influence the customer's decision about their purchase.

What does a fashion copywriter do?

Much like copywriters in other specialities, professionals with experience and knowledge in the fashion sector will usually carry out the following tasks:

  • Creating content for social media: catchy and fun, it should reach the brand's target audience.
  • Writing SEO: product descriptions, positioning texts, blog posts.
  • Writing editorial for websites and catalogues.
  • Development of texts for the online store: calls to action, use of the shopping basket, etc.
  • Writing promotional articles for the media.
  • Writing press releases and statements.

ATLS's fashion copywriters not only have impeccable writing skills and knowledge of digital marketing, but their fashion vocabulary covers everything from technical vocabulary to industry slang. They know all about everything from design to materials, influencers and the latest trends, as well as the industry's most recent news and products.

 Copywriting in the fashion industry: benefits for brands

Copywriting in the fashion industry has two key aims: on the one hand, to explain in words the objective characteristics of an item; on the other, to make this item seem as desirable as possible. This isn't easy! To achieve this feat, the copywriter must do the following:

  • Communicate the soul of the brand: in all texts and content, the copywriter must carefully and subtly transmit the mission of the brand (clothes to make you feel good, the latest trends, environmentally-friendly pieces, etc.). Behind each brand, there is an exciting story waiting to be told.
  • Find the style that best suits the brand: this depends on the character of the brand and on the target audience. An elegant clothing brand, for example, must adapt their tone to reflect this. Many firms adapt the tone of their messages to their ideal consumer.
  • Find the balance between information and promotion: besides selling, these texts must answer the consumer's questions and be completely transparent with relevant information such as delivery, refunds and exchanges, etc.
  • Speak the language of the consumer: provide information about the composition of the product or any other relevant information while also being easy to understand. That's why it's important to use the right language and avoid too much technical jargon.
  • Put the consumer at ease: making a text attractive does not mean making it more complicated. People won't usually read long texts, and it is important to remember that many purchases are made using mobile phones. As such, content must be clear and concise. Less is more!
  • Connect with the public:  even with spectacular images of the clothing or accessories, attractive written content can help to bring the images to life. It can add character to the pieces and offer a brand message to potential buyers.

Applying these guidelines to internal and external communication may yield surprising results: increased visits, clicks and, ultimately, sales. Copywriting in fashion is an investment which helps the client to reach the soul of the consumer and is a sure route to success.

Copywriting in fashion, therefore, has a clear commercial vocation. It informs the client and promotes a given product whilst along encouraging the reader to take a specific action: subscribe to a newsletter or add a product to their shopping basket.

If you have a clothing or accessory brand and you want to increase your sales through improved content, let us know! We'll create the best texts to let your business shine!

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Written by ATLS

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