3 browser extensions to perform a website audit

how to audit your website

Perform a website audit with free browser extensions and find out about the opportunities to improve your website. It is likely that if you have a website, you will want to run audits to detect any errors and areas for improvement. Today we'll show you some popular tools for auditing your website. Take note!

Extensions for performing an audit of your website

Find out about the 3 extensions you can install for free in your Google Chrome browser, which will help you find out what elements you need to correct to improve your website's SEO positioning:


This is a Google Chrome extension that analyses the URL and creates a full report classifying the information into four sections:

  • SEO: it collects information regarding page titles, descriptions and website content (quality content, alt tags in images, mobile content, etc.), and recommends different ways to improve their performance.
  • Speed: it shows factors that affect your web load speed, such as data transfer speed, the minification of CSS code and Javascript and too many redirects.
  • Security: the tool recommends that you use secure URLs, HTTPS, on your website and do not mix them with HTTP pages.
  • Explore: this last section gives a full summary of pages found (indexed and non-indexed), CSS, JavaScripts and images.
how to audit your website Checkbot

At the moment, this tool is available in the beta phase, and offers all functions free of charge.


This online tool allows you to analyse the following aspects of your website:

  • Domain Authority: it shows errors detected in the titles or meta descriptions of pages, unfriendly URLs and it also shares information on the web sitemap.
  • Content: it detects pages with images without the alt attribute or title.
  • User-friendliness: it collects information on how to optimise your website domain and the design of the error 404 page, if hreflang tags are being used correctly on multilingual websites, the load speed and the optimisation of the website for mobile users.
  • Technical aspects: it analyses factors such as the optimisation of meta tags, secure protocol and website optimisation and, in this case, the tool tells you how to improve it.
  • Social networks: lastly, Metricspot shows your ranking on social networks, especially Facebook and Twitter.

Once it has analysed these aspects, it gives a general score for your online presence, which should be higher than 60%.

how to audit your website metricspot

The tool is open-source but it offers three paid plans that give access to additional features.


Lighthouse is a Google Chrome extension that runs audits on websites and apps. Once you have installed it in your web browser, go to the website you want to audit and click on the extension. What aspects does it audit?

  • Performance: in this section it checks the web load speed and the conversion rate.
  • Progressive web app: this tool gives a score on user experiences on mobile, and takes into account several factors.
  • Accessibility: generally speaking, the tool checks that the web content is accessible for users and that the HTML code is correct.
  • Best practices: actions are taken to modernise the website and optimise its performance.
  • SEO: the tool analyses factors that directly affect SEO ranking.

For each area audited, the extension shows the errors detected and tells you ways you can improve it.

lighthouse website audit how to

It is a Google open-source extension.

These are three tools you could consider when performing an audit on your website. But first, don't forget to optimise your content and check that it has been correctly translated.

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Written by ATLS

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